Bringing gold and silver back as America's Constitutional money

Shell Game: How America’s Money Devolved from Gold to Fiat

Shell Game: How America’s Money Devolved from Gold to Fiat

September 9th, 2024 • This, dear reader, is how the public got tricked into believing in fiat currency—a shell game of epic proportions. Keep Reading...

Should the Dollar Be Backed by Gold?

Should the Dollar Be Backed by Gold?

August 27th, 2024 • Amidst all the talk about the Federal Reserve’s high interest-rate policy to combat its many years of monetary expansion and debasement, some people advocate the restoration of the monetary system on which the United States was founded Keep Reading...

Is Bitcoin Really Digital Gold? Comparing and Contrasting the Two Assets

Is Bitcoin Really Digital Gold? Comparing and Contrasting the Two Assets

August 26th, 2024 • TwitterRedditPinterestLinkedInEmail Many investors put gold and Bitcoin in the same category. Some people even call Bitcoin "digital gold." Is this a fair comparison? Keep Reading...